We are a welcoming bunch and you don't need to have sung before. Come to three rehearsals with no strings attached and find out how much you will enjoy singing in a choir. If you can't read music it's not a problem.
Call Glenys, our friendly meeter and greeter, who will find a buddy to show you the ropes. Call her on 01484 540739, to arrange to come to your first rehearsal.
As well as the singing, the choir for me is about the friendship of like-minded people. There is always something fun to do and look forward to, concerts, outings, lunches, weekends away. We share each others' good times and the not so good times: the support network is fantastic. I enjoy the challenge of new music and the feeling of accomplishment.
For over forty-two years Thursday night has been my choir night. I can't imagine not singing on Thursdays. Music and the camaraderie of the choir lift your spirits and make you feel good. That's why I'm still there on Thursdays, even after all this time.
Being in the Choir has opened up a whole world for me. I've made new friends, especially Margaret who helps to keep me on the right notes. I've done things I never thought I would do - from performing in Town Hall competitions to singing in the rain for the ducks in Greenhead Park! I wish I'd joined years ago.