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The Vision
Abreast The M62 is an exciting, creative and collaborative event with choirs coming together to support 6 charities in Hull, Leeds, Huddersfield and Liverpool. Together we are raising awarenesss about preventing breast cancer, supporting and caring for those experiencing breast cancer both directly and indirectly, raising money to support the charities we are working with, and bringing a strong message about how much we can do ‘Together’.
The idea was conceived by Honley Ladies Choir in Huddersfield as we know the powerful communication of music, and have experienced the effect in coming together to sing with a unified purpose bringing encouragement, healing and support. Abreast the M62 is an ambitious but exciting event using music to bring communities together along our unique and important landmark, and to join in the work of Hull and East Riding Breast Friends, Maggies Yorkshire, Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust Breast Care Team, Maggies Manchester, Prevent Breast Cancer, and Maggies Wirral.
What We Will Do - When & Where
Thursday 2nd October 2025 The Big Booby Dooby Launch in Huddersfield

A concert in the Town Hall, where we are inviting choirs around Huddersfield and members of the public to join us, both at the Huddersfield launch, but also if they wish to travel with us on the Saturday to Liverpool (see the * note below re registering etc). Collaborating with Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust Breast Care Team.
Saturday 4th October 2025 The Big Booby Dooby Trail

Honley Ladies Choir will be travelling the length of the M62, east to west, calling in at Hull, Leeds and Liverpool to perform a Big Booby Dooby Sing. We are inviting other local choirs and members of the public in each city to join us at the following locations to support the charities we are collaborating with in their awareness and fundraising day. Those who register to sing with us can either remain in their local city to continue supporting their charity or join us on the journey to Liverpool (*note: every individual singing with us will need to register to join [for security reasons we will need to inform the police and security teams of numbers] and there will be a small charge of £12 which will provide copies of the music and digital downloads to help learn the songs.)
10.00 – 11am  St Stephens Shopping Centre, Hull. Collaborating with Hull and East Riding Breast Friends Charity and Prevent Breast Cancer
12.45 – 1.45pm  Jct 32 Shopping Centre near Leeds. Collaborating with Maggies Yorkshire and Prevent Breast Cancer.
4.45 – 5.45pm  Liverpool One Sugar House Steps (outside John Lewis (TBC). Collaborating with Maggies Wirral and Prevent Breast Cancer.
At each Booby Dooby Sing we will be performing a brand new song ‘Together’, written by Richard Sykes, which has a key theme of supporting and encouraging people experiencing breast cancer and their families. There will also be a humorous ‘Titty Ditty’ , written by Richard Sykes, about checking for signs of breast changes, and 4 or 5 compilations of contemporary well known songs in the cities we are visiting.
Proceeds from each Booby Dooby Sing will go to the charity(ies) who are running their awareness/fundraising day in each city.
Saturday 4th October 2025 7.30pm, The Big Booby Dooby Concert, Liverpool Anglican Cathedral
We are inviting some well known musical celebrities to join us in Liverpool, as well as other choirs and individuals from either Liverpool or those who have chosen to travel with us, at our Big Booby Dooby Concert to an audience of 1,400. The evening will be a musical extravaganza and celebration, as well as an opportunity for the charities we are supporting, other smaller charities, and relevant businesses and support services to raise awareness of their work in helping and supporting people experiencing breast cancer. We will use videos to show the range of their work and there will be stalls for charities and businesses to have face to face contact with the public. The cost of tickets will depend on the final list of performers, and proceeds, after costs, will go towards all 6 of the charities we are supporting during the event.

From October 2024 we will be opening registration to take part!

Our Composer

Our especially commissioned songs have been written by Richard Sykes, a professional songwriter of over 23 years who has known our Musical Director, Emily, for a long time. The first song he has written for the project, Together As One’, is a beautiful ‘anthem’ of community and togetherness in facing the impact of breast cancer. Here are just a couple of lines from the song: “no-one should be helpless or face their fears alone………………………………………..Reaching ‘cross our island, following the sun, we will sing together as one.” ” we’re with you at your side, hold hands towards tomorrow, link arms as we march on, we will sing together as one”. The Titty Ditty is a humorous song, which will hopefully raise a few smiles, but also get important messages across about the need to self-check for signs of changes in the breast regularly in order to catch any disease as early as possible.

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